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Boyser RBT-70 Peristaltic Pump


Boyser RBT-70 Peristaltic Pump
Boyser RBT-70 Peristaltic Pump
最大流速 266.67lpm
Max Head 150M
進口/出口 2 1/2“
Solids Size 55mm.

最大流速 266.67lpm
Max Head 150M
進口/出口 2 1/2“
Solids Size 55mm.

The Boyser RBT-70 Series蠕動泵is the largest of our hose pumps, with the highest performance capabilities in the range. Its rugged design makes this self priming peristaltic pump extremely heavy duty and capable of efficient operation in the harshest of environments where other pumps fail due to issues such as dry running damage, clogged valves and seal failures.

蠕動居屋計劃的最大的好處之一e pump design is that the hose is the only wearing part, which is easy to clean and replace, making it simple and low cost to maintain relative to other pumping technologies. Thanks to its internal hose being available in a variety of materials, its ability to handle solids, fluids with little moisture and shear sensitive mediums these男孩泵是非常多才多藝的。適用於適用於油性汙泥,艙底水,油,剪切敏感液體的各種應用,具有固體的漿料,脫水,罐排水,急救泵泄漏,食品,酸,石灰牛奶和泥漿。

As a shoe operated peristaltic hose pump rather than a roller operated one, the Boyser RBT is capable of higher pressures than other peristaltic pumps on the market, making them suitable for pumping viscous fluid long distances.

Features of the RBT peristaltic hose pump:

  • Good suction lift and self priming up to 9 metres
  • 可以幹運行無破損和處理液體low moisture content
  • 內軟管可用於各種材料,用於與幾乎任何流體相容。
  • 密封的設計使它們不太可能泄漏 - 非常適合化學品和侵蝕性液體
  • 可以處理恒定泵入口/出口的尺寸,高達30000cst的大小和高粘度
  • Gentle pumping motion and low rpm means that they can handle shear sensitive fluids without disrupting the fluid’s natural structure
  • Reversible operation allowing tank to tank transfer and the recovering of fluid from the dispensing hose if required at the end of transfer
  • Excellent accuracy +/-1% and motor speed is proportional to flow making it ideal for dosing applications
  • Patented double conical hose clamp to ensure leak free connection
  • 重型內部滾珠軸承盒,意味著電動機和齒輪減速機軸不必支持所有負載,增加強度和增加壽命
  • 包裹內部和外軟管,加強高密度壓尼龍以更長的壽命
  • Simple and lost cost to maintain thanks to the hose being the only wearing part, which is easy to clean and replace, and the absence of valves and seals that can clog and wear.
  • 提供各種配件,包括脈動阻尼器,泄漏探測器和逆變器
  • 各種驅動器選項,包括固定或變速(帶速度控製)
  • 230V,三相50Hz / 60Hz電機可用
  • ATEX批準,船舶認證和食品級認證可用



內聯脈動阻尼器 Ensures a continuous, smooth flow for the accurate use of flow meters and pressure switches. By eliminating vibrations and hammering, operation is relatively quiet and working life is increased.
Hose Leakage Sensor 如果泵的唯一佩戴部分(軟管)失敗,傳感器可以關閉泵或激活警報以允許快速解決情況。這使得泵適用於遠程安裝或處理危險流體的地方。
Vacuum Assisted Priming 在涉及粘性液體或困難的吸入條件的設施中提高泵的自吸能力。
Halar (ECTFE) Coating Improves the corrosion resistance of the pump in chemical or other hazardous applications.
PP / PDV連接 As standard, connections are Stainless Steel, but for chemical applications they can be supplied in alternative materials.
Integrated Control Panel 可以根據用戶要求配置,具有開/關,速度控製,反轉開關,流量和壓力顯示,泄漏警告。
Trolley or Base Plate For the flexibility of installation and enhanced mobility where required.
逆變器 Pump speed can be slowed down to the required flow, extending the life span of the motor by not making is unnecessarily work to full capacity, and reducing wasted energy costs.
飼料螺絲和料鬥 用於泵送不容易流動並且容易破損的高粘度流體。
  • Geared motor
  • 帶齒輪減速器的電機變速器
  • 帶集成逆變器的齒輪電機

The Boyser RBT Series Peristaltic Hose Pumps are available with the following material options:

NR NBR epdm. NR-A. NBR-A hypalon.
Hose X X X X X X

Bosyer RBT Peristallic泵是應用程序通常,其他泵浦技術失敗的理想解決方案。以下優點使蠕動泵成為重型部位應用,各種化學品和工藝液體和磨蝕性和粘性漿料。

  1. 耐磨性– Can handle highly viscous slurries, dry mediums and fluids containing sharp, large or stringy solids such as metal, stones and rags without damage or clogging.
  2. 低維護- 內軟管是清潔和更換的唯一濕潤部分。沒有閥門堵塞,沒有密封件失敗,備件的成本和停機時間的長度有限。
  3. Leak free- Due to there being no seals, peristaltic hose pumps are less likely to leak making them ideal for use with chemicals and process liquids and a very clean design.
  4. 自初步和幹燥跑步– As fluid isn’t required to be constantly present; peristaltic pumps can run dry without costly damage if left operating and can self-prime up to 8m.
  5. Gentle pumping action– Suitable for shear sensitive products that can be damaged or altered by the operation of other pumping technologies such as clay or cement.
  6. Reversible operation- 在分配後,完美的坦克到罐轉移和從軟管中恢複流體,以防止在斷開泵並移動它時泄漏。


海洋應用 工業的應用程序
  • 含有固體的黑色和灰色水
  • Contaminated bilge water pumps
  • 魚類廢物泵送
  • 浪費漿料
  • Fume scrubber pumps
  • 疏浚泵
  • 油膩的誹謗
  • 侵蝕性液體和化學泵
  • 水泥,灌漿,粘土和泥土
  • Waste water transfer containing solids
  • 漿料和汙泥泵
  • Sewage pumping
  • Organic waste e.g. food, manure and vegetation
  • 油漆,墨水,膠水和染料
  • Process water and fluids



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